Do you want to try my new tiny script?
Just write here your blog’s url, click the button and watch the surprise.
And now, let me explain it.
Some weeks ago I was discussing with another engineer about NLP, and the importance of having some language knowledge to effectively process a text. He wanted to do some stuff with pure text, written in an unknown language. I suggested that you can do more and better things if some human expert helps you, but he told me he couldn’t pay an expert. In that case, I pointed out that you can use some kind of statistic approach, like registering the appearance of every single word, or the relation between a word and the previous and next ones. But those methods are just randomly, almost like monkeys playing with the words…
This evening I’ve created a PHP script that reads your blog (actually only the words within paragraphs) and generates new text using some statistic (the data used can be seen at the end of the page source). It seems real, it might have sense… but it’s just random. Monkeys rulez!
The Beatles i la trivialitat
Us presento el significat d’aquests versos. Tot i dissabte passats fora de títol. !. He canviat de corbes el· sempre pugui arribar a un s’acostuma a grans quantitats de l’àlbum vermell de sessions en aquests temes que feia temps per seure al cap d’uns anys va preocupar, Fa temps per exposar un concert de J-Bass al meu Last. Així, la península i concerts per allà, Més o cançons senzilles que a l’hora de l’instrument, at 7: 30 PM Fa molt fàcils. Aquesta frase, 0 comments Posted by 1 comments deixant de que tenia un parell de les nits de Barcelona. Hi ha tancat per tal de tamany més complexa -i sovint amb rimes molt bons també un baix Samick.
Yeah, it works in Catalan as well.
Monkeys don’t understand about human languages, ho ho ho.
5 milions de fitxer, s’obre llavors el mode CSS. AucTeX és molt pràctica, es pujaven, * davant una paraula o grup de fitxer, seré vago! amb ocasionals moments de 1. e. Obs: , estic jugant quan acabem doncs “C-c 1 *** Raspall ** Maleta 2. També podem triar la meva època com en el preview. Fa uns dies que permet una cosa molt pràctic, El joc és petita. Fa uns dies que s’afegeix una mesura de les fórmules sobre el dia que volia un primer element de contingut. De’n Fontich.
Monkey rulez
Btw, if you can make a version that can parse LaTeX instead of html a few friends and I would have a really funny time 😀
Btw, there is an algorithm for doing ‘something like this’ in Graham’s Ansi Common Lisp. Maybe I’ll try to get my ‘MonkeyTeX’ running soon 😉